Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bye Bye Pee Pee, Bye Bye Diapers!!!

Warning, Warning, Warning... For those of you who are sensitive to cute naked tooshies, you may want to skip this post! So, this week was full of hair pulling frustration as I potty trained out youngest boy, Ben. Isaac was a piece of cake, and I can't say that Ben was much harder! He has not had any pee pee accidents since the first day I put him in undies. We started on Sunday and it's been about a full week. He is doing awesome!!! And the best part is No more diapers!

Of coarse I had to get some adorable tooshy pics for you guys. We had started potty-training Ben about 6 months ago, but then I had my back surgery and just couldn't keep up with him. He is 2 and a half now and he is just way too big for diapers. I hate diapers and refuse to change them when they are as old as they are. Isaac was completely potty-trained by the time he was two. I just can't stand wasting so much money on smelly old diapers!

I put his undies in a lower drawer where he can reach them. He feels like such a big boy when he gets his new undies all by himself.

There are few things in this world cuter than little boys undies. I know you probably think I'm crazy.

Here is Ben holding his new undies that he got to pick out at the store. We still have a ton from when Isaac wore 2T, so we just let him pick out a few. It was a rough week, but in the end I have no more diapers to buy and a bunch of toilet cleaning to do. Three boys using the toilet now definitely makes for a mess. And yes, when it comes to bathroom cleanliness, I consider my hubby a boy! As for the video, it's a little shaky, but it's cute.


RyDeb.White said...

yea for no more diapers!That's great your boys potty train so fast. Josh isn't ready yet, but in a few months I'll be coming to you for some tips!

Skinhorse said...

When I do laundry at the temple, I just absolutely LOVE being able to fold the little boys' undies! I get all gooshy and silly, too, saying weird stuff in an excited baby voice like..."Oh! Look at da wittle boys undahwear!" The other temple workers think I'm off my rocker. I know I am, too, but I just can't seem to help myself. Happens every time. So...yeah, I know what you mean.

Congratz on helping Ben thru that rite of passage!

Chrystalee said...

Congrats!!! The money saved on diapers is monumental!!! : )

Sara Randall said...

Yay for potty training! haha. Time does your case too! I think kids will be sometime in the near future, within the next year hopefully. I guess I am just kinda scared to have them. The more and more I think about it the more nervous I get!

Liz said...

That's so great! I want to train Ashton, but he doesn't want out of his crib.

The beds look good too by the way.

Unknown said...

Good for himself.

Unknown said...

Good for himself.

Unknown said...

I would have done a close up.

Alec said...

If I was your sons doctor I would ask you to leave the room so I can talk to your son privately then I would ask him to get undressed then I would ask him to lay down on the exam table then I would say I need to check your penis then I would check under his underwear and I would grab his little boy penis and then start stroking his penis off and I would say you have a really cute smooth little boy pointy penis and it is going in my mouth. Then I would make him cum I would say good boy I love the taste of little boy’s. I especially love your son peeing on the toilet such a cute little penis I would definitely be in the bathroom with him and suck on his penis while he is straddling his legs I would also stroke his penis. I love pubescent little boys so yummy and smooth for sucking and his bum is cute too great for fucking and tearing apart so smooth I would love to touch your little boy penis