Monday, March 8, 2010

Marry Poppins, Better Late Than Never!!!

I found these pictures on my camera and realized I forgot to post them. A bunch of us from work decided to do a mommy daughter date on Valentines Day to go see Mary Poppins! It was so awesome, and the dancing was amazing.
Here's my date, Dena! She has really played a huge role in my healing process from the accident! She is wonderful. I would not have rather spent the evening with anyone else!

Here's most of us from left to right... Ramona, Cecelia, me, Vicki, Malinda, Samantha(Malinda's daughter) and Ramona's sister. Jacki and her daughter were also there and Kathy and her daughter as well. It was a GREAT night!!Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

RyDeb.White said...

I love Mary Poppins (i've only seen the movie). I'm glad you got to have such a fun girls night out!