Monday, December 12, 2011

Bragging Moment!!

So as everyone knows, I am diabetic and work really hard to take care of myself. It is an overwhelming task and some days, I just don't feel like worrying about it. After Aunt Bev died in August, I kinda went through a slump and didn't care about anything, let alone exercising and eating right. As a result, I gained some weight and had a hard time controlling my blood sugars. After much prayer for strength and just sucking it up, I am back to myself again!! Tom and I had our labs drawn this last week for our health insurance and I was so excited with the results! Here is what a few months of HARD work can do.....

Height 5 feet 3 inches
Weight 153 (was 170)
Waist 37.5 inches (was 41)
Blood pressure 106/70
Total cholesterol 181
HDL cholesterol 38
LDL cholesterol 118
Triglyceride 124 (was 211)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fasting blood sugar 86!!!!!!!!!
BMI 26.9 (was 31)!!!
Visceral fat (fat around belly) 6%- normal is under 9%
Muscle 22.4%- normal is 24.3%- 30.3%
Body fat 44.4%- normal is 21.0-32.9% (so I still have a long way to go on this one :-/)

I am on cloud nine! The pounds are coming off slow, but everything else has changed drastically!!! Still have a long way to go, but I am up for the challenge!!! I feel great and my blood sugars are better than ever!!!


The Waits said...

nice job!!!-m

The Felix Family said...

That is awesome!! Getting good news like that always gives me the motivation to keep going. More than anything I am sure it just feels great to feel good and to know you're doing the right thing for your body!!

Amy J said...

Way to go Stacey! It's a great feeling getting into shape! Keep it up!