Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Benjamin

I thought I would post some picture of Benny, since the last few posts have been about Isaac. Some of these pictures are all the way from Christmas, but I never posted them.

Here are Benny and me on Christmas morning. He is holding a Toy Story 3 video game. He LOVES Buzz and Woody and he LOVES video games. He would play all day if we would allow it. When he's not playing video games, he is pretending that he is Buzz or Woody and runs all through the house like a crazy boy. He is definitely all BOY!!!

Benny on Christmas morning with his Paper Jamz guitar. Santa brought this for him because he was such a good boy this last year. He has wanted one ever since last year when Santa brought one to his cousin Domomick :-) 

 Ben loves books and he especially loves it when someone reads to him. Preferably Nana or Great Grandma Phyllis. Here is Nana reading to Ben and Isaac at Grandma Phyllis's house.

 My sweet little boy. It's hard to believe that soon he will not be the baby anymore. I think of when I found out I was pregnant with him. My life seemed so perfect. My mom was still alive, we had not lost any babies at that point. Life was so perfect.

 Boy does he love his big brudder!!

I think this picture describes him the best. Full of happiness, energy, and smiles. I'm glad I decided to do this post to focus on him. He deserves it. 

1 comment:

The Busy Browns said...

He is so sweet. In class on Sundays he talks about how he plays video games all day and night. Haha too funny. I love having him in our class