I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that mother's day is not my favorite holiday. It has been a holiday that I literally dread ever since my mother died. And NO, it doesn't get any easier as time passes. If it were up to me, I would have spent that weekend in bed. But my boys were SOOOOOO Super excited for the day and to give me a wonderful breakfast and pamper me. So I did what any totally awesome mother would do, and I put on a happy face and went through the weekend. And by the end I was so happy that I did and realized that things aren't nearly as bad as I make them out to be. I was blessed with a wonderful mother who was with me for some amazing moments in my life. And I am blessed with some amazing children, both here on earth and in heaven.
Tom asked me what I wanted for my Mother's Day breakfast. I found this awesome recipe for crepes on Pinterest and he made them for me! They were so delicious. And yes, I know they are filled with calories and sugar, don't judge me!!
Here are the boys enjoying their crepes!
Grandma Phyllis (Tom's dad's mom) had us over for a super yummy dinner. Here are Isaac, Malachi, and me right before we left to go to her house. Isaac and Ben are just amazed that a baby is alive and in my tummy. It's so cute :-)
I decided to do sentimental home made gifts this year and they turned out SO dumb. Here is Tom's mom opening her flower pot. She says she loved it, LOL. But who knows.
Cheesy smile from Isaac.
Tom and the boys made me these awesome pictures on wood. They turned out so cute!! I LOVE them. There is one of Isaac and one of Benny. And Tom told me there is one all ready to make for when Malachi gets here.
And last, but not least, Isaac made me a surprise at school and just couldn't wait to give it to me. It was so cute. He kept telling me that it was a secret, but he would ask me if I wanted hints as to what the present was. Anyone who knows me know OF COURSE I want hints ;-). It was a cute little flower pen in a tiny flower pot. I have it on the counter and Isaac loves it every time I use it.
Later that week, I made it to the cemetery and brought her some new flowers. I am surprised how OK I was with being there. I HATE the cemetery. But this time I didn't even shed a tear. Just thought of some happy memories of my mom.
So I know most people just get on here to see the pictures and don;t really read what I'm writing. And even if you do read it, you probably don't care what I'm saying. But for the very few who do read and care (like my dad, maybe a sister or two), I want to say how truly thankful I am for my mom. She was such a blessing to me. There are times that I find myself thinking "Oh great, I have turned into my mother". And it makes me happy. My mom thought I was such a good mother. She told me that several times while she was alive. And there is nothing better than knowing that your mom thinks you're a good mom, and knowing that she is pleased with your efforts and accomplishments as a mother. Motherhood is such a sacred calling in life and I am thankful to have both been blessed with a great mom, and been given amazing children and the opportunity to be a mom. I am waiting for the day when I see my mom again and can give her the biggest hug and tell her how much I love her.
Stacy--I loved what you wrote. And I agree--Mother's Day is difficult when you no longer have your own Mother, regardless of your age. I'm so glad you could focus on the good memories. And that your mother told you how good a mom YOU were! Thanks for sharing! You have an awesome family!
What a cute bunch of boys you have!! You are truly loved!! I don't have a clue how you continue on after losing your mom. You are one amazing women!!! She was such a neat lady and I am sure you take after her in so man ways! By the way, you are one amazing looking pregnant women!!
Beautiful blog post! Loved every word. I didn't know you picked out a name...I love it! Miss you. Lets plan a play day...please!
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