Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Malachi's birth

I know it's been forever since I have updated my blog. Here are some pictures of Malachi's birth. The end of my pregnancy was literally a nightmare, including 3 hospital admissions and being on bed rest for preterm labor. Our family thanks all who served us with dinner, rides to dr. appointments, babysitting, house cleaning and most importantly, prayers. We are so blessed. Malachi is a miracle and we love him more than anything.

 Sarah drove down for the birth. Dr Layton was going to schedule my c-section for the next week. I would have been 37 weeks. So much for that plan. I just couldn't hold him in any longer. And of course, my dr was out of town. Luckily, the dr that was covering for him was so amazing!! I LOVED her, she did such a great job!

 So here is Dr. McNeal delivering Malachi! I was so nervous, but quickly felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I'm sure my mother was there with me, holding my hand.


 Here he is!! Sweet baby boy :-) Born on August 3rd at 3:45pm. 6lb 14oz, 20 inches. And... absolutely PERFECT!

 Love at first sight!!!

Getting some oxygen to help him breathe.  

 Resting while Malachi was being monitored in the nursery. Randy and Tom thought it would be funny to take a picture of me all miserable :-)

 Papa Owen and Benny waiting to see Malachi!

 Isaac sees his baby brother for the first time. One of the sweetest moments I may experience in my life.

 Isaac and Ben looking at Malachi.

 Isaac's face in this picture makes me laugh.

 Seemed like forever, but I finally got to hold him.

 I kinda totally lost it. Just so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. He was so healthy and so perfect.

 I LOVE seeing the boys with Malachi. So far the just adore him.

 Benny holding Malachi for the first time! So sweet!!

 Isaac holding Malachi for the first time!!

 The LOVES of my life!!

 Papa Owen holding Malachi.

 Nana holding Malachi.

 Papa Randy holding Malachi.

 Nama Dena holding Malachi.

 Sweet baby boy.

 Auntie Alecia and Malachi.

 Auntie Jill and Malachi.

All ready to go home.

There are many more pictures and just don't have time to post them all. So sorry if someone was left out. I am so scared to jinx myself by saying this, but I am so in love with my life right now. Love my husband, love my boys, love my family and friends. I am just so very blessed. Lots more pictures to come. Thanks again to everyone for all of your love and support. xoxoxo


The Felix Family said...

Congratulations Stacey!! He is beautiful! I am so glad he finally made it here healthy and happy. You are one amazing women!! Good luck in the coming weeks with recovery and finding your new normal!!

Liz said...

Congratulations! I am so happy everything turned out perfectly. Enjoy every moment!