Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fun in The Sun 9/2010

Becca and I decided to take the kiddos to play since they got out of school early today! Here are some fun pics of the kiddos
Ben, Isaac, Ana and Liam

Here's what happens when you get two crazy boys and a slide together!

Liam, Becca's boy

My sweet Isaac!

Anastasia, Becca's 2nd oldest daughter.

Suzy, Becca's youngest

Love the rolls of fat on her back! I call her my "tub of love" and "thunder thighs". She's so cute!


Ana again





It was tons of fun! This will probably be one of the last times we take them out to play in the water before it cools off. I'm excited for the cooler weather, but they sure do love the water. It's great having my sister/best friend living so close. Our kids love it too!

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