WARNING: You are about to view a million pictures!! Sorry, but had to include them all for my out of town family!!
We started off the Easter holiday going to church with mom and dad Deal for Good Friday. Then we ate pizza and colored Easter eggs!!
Just for future reference, trying to help two very excited crazy boys with coloring Easter eggs is enough to give a grump pregnant woman a heart attack. I'm just sayin. But alas we all survived and so did Nama's house :-)
Benny is so proud of his egg.
And so is Isaac!!
Lots of candy for mom and dad from the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning.
Benny's basket from the Easter Bunny.
Isaac's basket from the Easter Bunny.
It's no surprise that Ben was the first one up. 6am is better than some years though.
We had to wake Isaac up because Ben couldn't wait any longer. Good morning Sunshine :-)
You can't really tell by the expression on my face, but I am just thrilled to be awake at 6am and having my picture taken!!
The boys playing with their water guns that were full of jelly beans.
Ben showing off his new Angry Birds flashlight.
Such a handsome boy. Thanks Nana and Great Grandma Phyllis for my new Easter tie.
And here is Benny in his new Easter tie. It has become a tradition for Tom's mom to buy the boys their Easter tie and she picks out the cutest ones every year :-) Thanks again Nana.
What can I say... my boys are freaking adorable :-)
Cheese, but getting tired of smiling for pictures. I wonder how long it will take for them to realize that if they would just stand still and smile, we would be done with picture in just a few minutes. But NOOOOOO, the have to be boogers.
20 weeks! Exactly half way through the pregnancy and feeling great!!
I may or may not be flirting with the camera guy here ;-)
Sunday night, the Guthrie side of the family got together for dinner. Ray and Alecia hosted it since they have the biggest house. Here is what the oldest brother does while we all chat, LOL. A true sign of aging. We wont even go into the whole snoring thing, LOL.
Uncle Ray is the funnest. I bet he's trying to tell Lily about the millions of eggs that are in her ovaries right now, LOL. I know he teaches my kiddos some crazy things :-)
Benny's turn to take a ride on Uncle Rays lap.
Just for you Dad, a picture of all the sisters that were at dinner. Aint we purdy!!
Well, this is actually all of us that were there. I thought Jeannie was in the first one, but she wasn't. I think she tried to escape.
Becca and me!!
Trying to get this many people to smile for a picture is INSANE. Half of the kids aren't even looking at the camera, LOL. But this is the best we could get. Can you imagine if the entire family were actually there?!
Becca and her crew. All except for Suzy.
Katie and Troublemaker. Oh, I mean Lily.
Had to get a picture of Rays Easter Shirt. Bunny on the left says "my butt hurts". Bunny on the right says "what?"
Tom and I wanted a picture of us together and Isaac was our best option. This is the best of all the ones he took. But not too bad for a 7 year old :-)It was a great Easter with family and a much needed time to focus on the Savior and all he did for me and my family.
Super fun weekend!!! You have such a great family and you look AMAZING!!!!! I can't believe you are half way. Your dress is adorable
you are such a cute pregnant lady. congrats, and it was fun seeing all your family in the easter pictures. Everyone is even more beautiful than I remembered!
Looks like you guys had a great Easter & Stacy you are the cutest pregnant lady ever!! Happy Easter to you!
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