Happy New Year 2013
I'm excited to start a new year! A fresh start! I have a few things that I am really going to work hard on this year. As far as my physical health goes, I'm pretty happy. I'm not perfect, but my weight is back down, my labs are right where I want them to be (blood sugar, cholesterol), and I feel like I have that part of my life under control. Of course I could always be skinnier, who doesn't want to be skinnier??But I think I am going to focus more on my spiritual goals this year. These are a few things I would like to improve. And since I'm putting it down in writing, it will be easier for me to look back and remind myself.
- I want to strengthen and improve my relationship with my husband
- I want to be more patient with my boys
- I want to work on my anxiety and stay off of all the crazy pills :-P
- I want to strengthen my relationship with my Savior
- Last, but not least, I want to not miss one single month of visiting teaching
I am anticipating a lot of exciting things happening this year. Isaac's baptism (in March), Malachi walking and talking, maybe going back to work (we'll see), and lots more. I am excited for my new goals. I think they will be good for me.

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