Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Issac's First Pinewood Derby!!

Isaac did so great in his first Pinewood Derby! His dad and he worked so hard on his car. Isaac was VERY proud of it. I think I might be starting to get the hang of this whole "mommy of boys" thing. OF COURSE Tom had to work on the day of the actual race. So that left me to help him weigh in the car and prepare. I'm sure people were laughing at me left and right.
Here is Isaac showing off his car. He's so cute, I can't even stand it!


His car even won first place in a couple of the races! He discovered that if he raced it backwards, it went faster. It must have had something to do with where the weights were in the car.

And Isaac won the award for "Most Classic Car". I'm sure his daddy was more excited about that than he was. I am so in love with being a mom of boys. They are such a blessing to me.

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