Wednesday, July 31, 2013

6 weeks post op

OK, so I'm a few days late posting this. On Monday, I reached 6 weeks post surgery!! I was really expecting to be completely healed by now. Most people are. I get super frustrated at times. But I am trying my best to have a good attitude.
For some reason, all these pictures are upside down. But, you get the idea. :-) I am very happy with my belly button. It is pretty much back to normal. No more dressings on it. yay!!

These are all upside down. I already said that though, LOL. I am down to only two openings in my incision. One is super s,mall and not really a big deal. I don't have any additional pain there and it doesn't require and dressings or anything. This is a pic of one of the openings. It has quite a bit of drainage from it and it burns like mad ALL THE TIME!!. :-( It never stops.

I saw the Dr on Monday and she gave me a new prescription for something to try. I have an appt to see a different Dr though. I think I need a second opinion. Just cause it's been 6 whole weeks. It should be healed by now. Not only is it not getting better, it's getting worse. It's getting both wider and deeper. I'm very overwhelmed by taking care of it all. Trying to stay positive, but I'm failing miserably. Very frustrated and just ready to be back to normal again. I am super limited on what I can do until everything is closed and all healed up. I feel like it's taking forever.
Thank you so so much to all those who are continuing to pray for me and serve my family and me. It means so much to us.

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